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"Oh my goodness gracious! Have y'all heard about this newfangled video called 'Femdom British Foxes Tease and Humiliate Voyeurs in Lingerie XXX Clip'? Well let me tell you, it's quite the risqué film! It's got all kinds of naughty (clears throat) things. Like stockings, tattoos, close-ups, piercings, lingerie, high heels, humiliation, Peeping Toms, Brits, femdom - which I'm really quite clueless about - spreading ('You mean like with butter on a biscuit?' - just kidding, I do understand what that means), garters, and some words like 'joi' that I surely don't understand. I think it means 'Jump On In'? (leans in close and whispers) Or maybe it means 'Jello On Ice!' Who knows. Like I said, it's a foreign language to me.But oh my!" (Fans self and chuckles) "This video is quite scandalous! You wouldn't catch me watching it, of course, but from what I surmise, there's all sorts of glamoursex happenin'. Have you ever seen such a thing?! Those British Foxes really know how to put on a show! I heard things gettin' pretty steamy, with the stockings and the high heels and all. But oh dear, the humiliation part...well, that's not very nice, is it? But, uh, anyhow..." (trails off and makes a face) "All I know is, it'll get the blood pumpin' - but not in a good way! And that's all I got to say about that!" (shuffles off, muttering about getting more brussel sprouts from the market)