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"Well, well, well. Back in my day, we didn't have these fancy video contraptions that show young folks doing the deed. But I guess times have changed enough that we can talk about it out in the open now. So, let me tell you kiddies about this here video that's got everyone talking. It's called "A Shy 18yo Babe Discovers the Pleasures of Big-Dick Sex", and let me tell you, I haven't seen a romp that steamy since me and your pappy tied the knot. Now, this babe is a teenage amateur, just starting to explore her senses, and along comes this big-dick fella who knows how to rock her world. You're gonna see them fuck like two rabbits, jumping and bouncing around like it's nobody's business. I hope you youngins know that this is just make-believe, though. You can't go around stepping into your stepsister's bed like they do in these pornos. It's just not right, no matter how fun it looks on the screen. So if any of you kids try to go and do what they did, you'll have me to answer to!"