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"Hello dearies! Get ready to watch the naughty shenanigans on this glowing square box. I found this naughty video on the internets called Cuckold Heaven: XXX Tapes of Wife's Threesome Adventure! It stars a cocky young wife who enjoys herself with new partners while her hubby observes.You'll see her have having lots o' fun with not one but two lusty men in this video! They go at it tough, leaving nothing to the imagination. It surely ain't for the prudes out thar! There's sure to be plenty of delicious sounds to delight your voyeur senses.That little miss tries a bit of everything that night, taking them both head-on and waggling all over the room. Throughout it all, writhing with hers hands-on some hands are hear yours truly clapping in my seat. Oh no, Tom r time!”(Fade to black)