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Oh dearie me, what is this world coming to with all these newfangled gizmos and whatsits they got goin' on? I can barely keep my cane straight when it comes to all these electronics.Anyway, my niece let me use her computer today to watch a show called Homemade Camshow: Amateur with Sexiest Shows and Perfect Ass. Now, don't you go get your pennies in a bundle, granny ain't never gonna understand talk like "camgirl" and "camwhore". But let me tell ya, this gal on the screen...she sure is easy on the eyes.Why less face it, she done a whole strip-tease right there in front of the camera! And if that ain't enough, she went ahead and did some fine ol' fingers flying, if you catch my drift. But my my my, I didn't know grey-haired Old Betty still had her willie-winkie inclined, until one point she done had somebody come give her company over there...*whispers in a condescending diapproving canton* right *coughs busrting hands on waist* on that ol 'shot pillow! And doncha know, he had himself a fixin' tongue...kissed right on her pancake and whatnot. THAT was some sight to see I assure ya.Now, I don't approve of no such behavior, but it looks to me that even from way here, back through a computer screen, the whole act seemed more authentic than all them slick films where skin and anatomy overlap fasterthan you were to need reading glasses ever...u-uuuurgh video thingamjemmy too darn complicated.I couldn't hear too good, but they sure were hollerin' up a storm until they collapsed, from what I could tell. Sounds like they finished real good, if ya know what I mean. But rest assured Appplejack, us senile folks like to keep up with what's going on too!